Thursday, March 5, 2015

Space Skyboxes




   These are skybox images I made in photoshop to experiment with skyboxes in Unity for the game. Always emphasizing the dark background with semi-glowing objects, stars, nebulas, galaxies, moons, suns, etc.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Floors and 3D models




   These patterns are based on bigger textures I created, the 2D textures are for floors, and the 3D models are for platforms. 2D textures made in Photoshop and 3D models made in Maya.

Monday, February 16, 2015





   These textures made in photoshop, follow the geometric theme of the game. Made for use as possible backgrounds and floors. They are semi glowing, and contain vibrant colors. These color result in being too distracting for a background, so I made black and white copies to use instead.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

2D Medieval Props for Alternate Game Development





   These props were made in photoshop in a medieval theme with a darker palette of colors. All the objects are rustic and dark looking, with that sense of living in an era with no technology to brighten up their world.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Backdrop Example

   This combines a spacey theme and geometrical figures. Galaxies, nebulas, 3D wired shapes, all glowing in the darkness of space. This image made in Photoshop adding little pieces of different styles as a palette of objects.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Mock-up Example

   This is a mock up of the game for a possible backdrop. New obstacles and slide under, and background glowing floating objects. Includes some of the style so far and a 2D style. Also showcases the players.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Geometrical Obstacles

   These object were made with the same geometrical abstract principle than the previous ones. These can be used as obstacles or slide under objects. The glow was achieved by changing the alpha value of each component of the objects in Unity.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Glowing Geometrical Objects


   These objects are based on geometric patterns with no meaning. Using vibrant colors and a nice glow to contrast the dark skies. The glow was applied in Unity using their own packages and being adjusted by the alpha value of each component of the object.