Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Medieval Castle Background

Pixelated medieval castle background created in photoshop. Used brown and red tones. I tried to do it as detailed as possible. I painted pixel by pixel to create a pixelated style.
After it was finished I desaturated the color to make it look like
the inside of a dark castle.

Level Concept Art in Unity

This is an Egyptian concept that I decided to try out, looks nice with a dark sky as it is shown here.
Unity has built in cel-shading capabilities for objects, and this is how it looks.
The concept was chosen because of the various geometric shapes. 
The props also include snakes, snake on a bowl, a few hieroglyphics, 
and what's shown above. These props were done in Maya.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Props with different shading

These props were created in Maya.
The two clouds have a crystal material created with mental ray mia_material_x.
The other two props have a simple glossy shading blinn and a ramp shader allowing
some two tones highlights.

Props Cel Shaded

These props are cel-shaded in maya. 
Cel-shading made through the application of surface shaders and 
ramp shaders. Cel-shading produces a 3D cartoony look.
The outline can be chosen as thick as desirable, it depends on 
how 3D or 2D you want to make it look.

Props Sketch

These props have been sketched to be placed on the level concept
I designed. This sketches where created in photoshop.
The cloud has transparency to have a bubbly look, so does the crystal,
enough to get the point across that they are not solid objects.
 A cloud, flower, kite, and crystal,

Level Concept

Concept level designed for the 3rd sprint.
The sketched props have gone into this level concept.
A semi-dark night, with bright props that illuminate the night.
Contains three paths of music notes for the player to follow to build the song.

Musical Notes to hit

These notes are used in the game as a goal for the play to hit in order to play the music.
3D modeled in Maya, with 4 different colors for four instrument paths 
to build the song. The shading used is a blinn with a ramp shader
that gives a glossy look.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Pixelated Art Props


A game for the Game Development class with a Medieval castle theme. 
Graphics and animations were created in photoshop pixel by pixel.
 These props will adorn the medieval castle. 
The props consist of an opening gate, breaking statue,
flaming torch, swords and shield, and medieval flag.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Level Concept Expanded

I made a construction paper level environment prototype. The background consists of a purple night, which is not too dark as a normal night. It's dark enough to show all the lights on the props and the sky. All props are illuminated with neon lights to shine through the night. 

Musical notes floating in the sky, disco ball tress rotating, speakers vibrating to the music, neon mushrooms, etc. In between the platforms there are rotating vinyl discs which can hurt the player if he/she happens to fall on them, or just touch them. 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Noisemaker Game Art Concept

Dr Seuss meets Techno

Props are a mix of nature and musical objects. This is a disco ball tree, and the disco balls rotate individually.

Texture illustrating the idea of this concept.

The game level idea based on a night environment for all lights to shine more.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Suits of Armor - Pixelated Art


Pixelated suits of armor graphics and animations to fight inside the medieval castle.
Both sets contain an attacking and dying animations.
The matron armor and the page armor.
The graphics and animations were created in photoshop.

Monday, October 27, 2014

Noisemaker Game Enemy Ideas

The idea behind these empty lifeless looking enemies, is that they are against the vibrant life and colors of music. They are fighting for the world to stay dark and silent. Attacking with their anti-funkiness potions/weapons/etc. The last enemy fits the big lights techno theme, but he looks lost and not able to understand the world around him.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Noise Maker Level Concept


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shooting Game Cartoony Art